Monday, September 24, 2007

some observations

first off, ugh, i feel bad today- i don't know why, i didn't do anything worthy of devine/biological retribution. so i guess that's why i was less able to handle these people that annoyed me today.

to all the parents: please shut your kids up. please? when i'm at a museum, i'm trying to get my culture on- i don't need to see and hear your out of control kids.

to me: the reason you had trouble saying "methodological" (quick note: spell check didn't have a problem with methodological, so i guess it's an actual word, but still i was trying to mis-use it) is that there is no reason to try to turn the noun methodology into an adjective when you have good, old 'methodical'.

to the hobo-ish guy at the folk museum: listen, i'm not going to be some kind of snob, and sit here and say you shouldn't try to expand yourself. museums are for everyone, i know-- it's just that when you literally smell like shit, well, some of the other museum goers might get a little distracted. just a little food for thought there. your call, though.

to the woman who hit me with her car: yes, the reason i yelled hey and hit the trunk of car with my hand was because you'd thrown your car into reverse and started backing across a SIDEWALK WITHOUT CHECKING FOR PEDESTRIANS!!! if you are not going to look first, it might be a good idea to STOP WHEN YOU HEAR "HEY!" AND A THUD. fortunately i was somewhat prepared and was able to jump back, so it's more like you just nicked me with your car-- though i should still point out that i meant exactly what i said at the time. also, i find myself wishing i had taken a swing at you- the more i think about it the madder i get.

to the korean police dep't: i was kind of wondering why i kept seeing the same dour-faced guy in a black and yellow plaid shirt and jeans, but the weird thing was he kept changing height and places. then i noticed he was wearing an ear piece. then i noticed he was standing beside himself and talking to other officers. kpd, write this down: if all the plain clothes officers wear the same clothes, it's just like wearing a uniform you bought from k-mart.

to the woman who smelled like maple syrup: i have never wanted to kiss somebody so badly in my life. this has been happening an awful lot lately: people with cigarettes, people with hot chocolate, and now, people who smell like maple syrup. i wonder if when i get back to the states, i'll want to make out with people who smell like kimchi...doubt it.

to all the rest of you: see ya later

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Here's my first photo

i have neither a camera nor a scanner so i can't actually torture you people with pictures and sketches that show how "deep" i am and how "boundless" my composition skills are. my excuse for taking so long to publish again is that i needed cindy to show me where this photo was stored so i could email it to myself. without further ado:

starting at the top left: lion is in the blue shirt, cindy is holding him, tiger is directly front of lion, clara is the girl in the pink who is far more interested in the cake than anything else, david is behind her and is the only one smiling at the camera, i don't know who that dude in the cool baldrey family t-shirt is-- but he seems to rock, the girl beside clara is courtney, june is in the green shirt, and behind him is edward.

yes this is the end of this post, but don't worry, this is the korean equivalent of thanksgiving-- in that it's a fall holiday that people take off of work, i don't think the koreans have a holiday about befriending a group of people until you've learned from them how to survive in an untamed land, and then persecuting them relentlessly with brutality rape, murder, theft, and forced relocation for literally hundreds of years-- so i will have lots of free time to write and wax poetic...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

hello, hello, hello

i wasn't going to talk about work, but this has just got to be said. parents, if your child has socially crippling psychological problems, please get him the proper help. guess what? i'm not a child psychologist. i don't actually know what to do or how to react when a kid tries to gag himself after i tell him that no, he can't go have some water now because that is what the break is for. he just stuck out his finger, jammed down his throat, and gave that body shudder that happens right before somebody yaks. so yes, parents, if your child leaves a dangling modifier, i can help. if your child is action-packed with issues... well, it's not like right after my highschool crash course of cpr, they gave us psycho-analysis lessons.

ah, here's to biting off more than i can chew. cheers. cheers to all. still learning how to draw. i started my plan of going to deoksugung palace to draw buildings every weekend. it was a great way to spend 2 hours on sunday. plus, i did take the time to talk to the people who came and talked to me. kudos to me.

however, i think some anti-kudos have to be given to me as well- sad, i know, but i deserve them. even as i write this, i am breaking my self-improvement regiment: i should be taking this hour to do my korean lesson. also, last night, as i sat at "Sand-presso", my new favorite place, i wasn't translating sentences from korean into english. i don't remember the last time i played a game of chess or studied it. and to day is the 3rd day in a row that i skipped working out. and i talked myself into buying soda yesterday, even though i have been trying to quit. now guess what? i'm going to throw one more log onto the fire. i found a nice little nylon stringed classical guitar last night for 180,000 won. it's probably about $60 too much, but i'm actually in a position now where i can waste a little bit of money. i can't wait until i start ignoring that too.